Our rare flowers

Our factory in Nöbbelöv is surrounded by approximately 35 acres of high conservation value grazing land, which is classified as a habitat protection area.

In a 2017 inventory, at least 100 growing sites were found with more than 3,500 plants of the rare Helichrysum arenarium. When we laid new roads in the area in 2020, 1,500 of these plants were moved to a nearby nature reserve. During the past year a survey was carried out to see how our Helichrysums had done. Unfortunately, the inventory showed that many of the plants that were moved had not survived two years later, but new stocks have established themselves outside the areas to which the plants were moved. In addition, other red-listed species, such as Breckland thyme, seem to have moved along with the Helichrysums. We will carry out a new follow-up in 2025.

When the new roads were being laid we also planted five new poplar trees in the area.


Our factory in Nöbbelöv